StronSal® - now available as a standard product for the most demanding surface treatment requirements

21.09.2016 | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH

StronSal® - now available as a standard product for the most demanding surface treatment requirements

Efficiency, quality and weight reduction are becoming increasingly important in the automobile manufacturing sector.
Working in collaboration with Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Salzgitter Flachstahl has developed StronSal®, a sheet steel coating with superior anti-corrosion properties containing zinc and further additives of 1 – 2 percent magnesium and aluminum by weight.
The coating’s special composition improves the corrosion barrier considerably. In a cut edge corrosion test to VDA 621-145, StronSal® showed at least twice the corrosion resistance compared to conventional zinc coatings. Compared to classic zinc coatings, StronSal® has the capacity to reduce under-film corrosion by rust to a significant degree.
In addition to reducing the use of zinc, the typically thinner layer of StronSal® also means a reduction in weight, reducing CO2 emissions and saving resources.
Continuous development has optimized the positive qualities of the StronSal® coating to such an extent that it now meets the outer shell requirements of the automobile industry. Due to its superior surface quality, StronSal®MC meets the strict demands of paint finishes for outer-skin applications.
By optimizing friction levels, StronSal® improves efficiency for automobile manufacturers through a significant reduction in tooling wear, losses and refinishing due to marking. Tests have been carried out by major automobile manufacturers, and StronSal® is now available as a standard product for outer-skin applications.